“The Sea Remains the Sea”: A Service of Lament

Featured Image: Clouds over the Atlantic Ocean, by Taigo Fioreze, courtesy Wikimedia Commons here. With Stanley Hauerwas, Walter Brueggemann, and others, I believe the church needs to recover the practice of lament. I speak in particular of my own context: predominantly white Mainline Protestant churches in America. Some traditions are more in the habit of expressing emotions - positive and...

A Pandemic Prayer: Beginnings + Endings

Where I've been Let's begin (again) with a pandemic prayer. I don't know anyone for whom the pandemic has been easy. Surely they exist, I just don't know them. For us, the most significant effect of the pandemic was that we took our toddler out of daycare and I was her full-time caregiver for a year. This was a wonderful year in many ways. I got precious time with her that I would not have had....